Steam Generators
Barrel Room Humidification
Barrel Room Humidification
SWASH BarrelScope
Winemakers, cellarmasters, brewers and distillers have long relied on shining a flashlight into the bunghole of a barrel and peering around the flashlight itself to get a glimpse of the bottom of the barrel to determine its condition. With this technique, there is no
way to see the heads of the barrels, the more difficult part to clean by any means. An expensive and time-consuming alternative is pulling the heads of the barrels.
The SWASH BarrelScope was developed to replace the common flashlight. It's durable, lightweight aluminum construction
and handy optional belt holster make it easily carried by cellar workers to routinely inspect barrels as they are being cleaned.
With its extremely high quality lenses and mirrors, and its powerful LED light source, the interior surface finish can be easily observed. Coopers can now proudly show customers the quality of construction of new barrels in a way never before possible
and buyers can confirm the quality of the interior of new barrels delivered.
Oak barrels
Steel drums
Small tanks
Foam Lined Storage Case
Optional Belt Holster
Powerful 200 lumen LED light source effectively illuminates the viewing area.
High Quality lenses and mirrors allow detailed inspection of the wood surface.
Threaded focusing tube makes adjusting focus easy and effective.
Anodized aluminum housing is lightweight and durable.
Powered by three AAA batteries providing light for up to 7 hours.
Shipped in a durable foam lined, reusable storage container for protection.
Optional belt holster.
Thirty-day satisfaction guarantee.
Ten-year limited warranty.
What's Inside Your Barrel?
swash sanitizing equipment • • 800-735-9277
©2018 SWASH and ARS Enterprises, Inc.